Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-20 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:22

1428 Thyroid Nodules and Cancer

■Partial thyroidectomy: follicular adenoma, small intrathyroidal pap-
illary CA, occasional anaplastic CA
■Total thyroidectomy: all other malignancies
■High-dose I-131 ablation: follicular/papillary CA 1 mo after total thy-
roidectomy when hypothyroid

During Treatment
■Assess for hypocalcemia and hoarseness after total thyroidectomy
■Suppressive levothyroxine therapy after total thyroidectomy or I-131

■Adjust levothyroxine q 6–8 wks so that TSH completely suppressed
for follicular/papillary CA, or TSH normal for medullary/anaplastic
■1 y after initial I-131 ablation: obtain serum thyroglobulin and whole
body I-131 scan after T4 levothyroxine withdrawal; repeat high-dose
I-131 ablation if thyroid CA still present
■Reiterate above process annually until thyroid CA no longer present;
may use thyrogen (human TSH) injection for evaluation; best evi-
dence for cure: undetectable serum thyroglobulin and negative I-131
whole body scan when serum TSH >30 mcU/mL or after thyrogen

complications and prognosis
■Total thyroidectomy: hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, recur-
rent laryngeal nerve injury
■Repeated I-131 ablation: hypothyroidism; leukemia (rare); radiation
fibrosis of lung for metastatic follicular/papillary CA
■Suppressive dose of levothyroxine T4: osteoporosis, cardiac toxi-

■Benign cysts/nodules: excellent
■Papillary/follicular CA: good
■Medullary CA: moderate
■Anaplastic CA: poor
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