Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-20 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:22

1454 Trousseau Syndrome Trypanosomiasis, African

specific therapy
■IV heparin loading dose followed by continuous IV infusion of hep-
arin to prolong the APTT to twice normal baseline value:
■As soon as Dx of thrombosis (thrombophlebitis) is made; after a
baseline PT, TT, APTT, FDP-fdp & fibrinogen have been obtained
(as well as any other blood study needed [e.g., hem-8, M-12])
■IV heparin must be continued until underlying neoplasm is identi-
fied & completely removed
■If neoplasm can be completely removed: prompt return of all lab
values to normal without any other treatment. As this takes place, IV
heparin can be discontinued.
■If neoplasm cannot be found or found & cannot be removed: pt must
remain on IV heparin for life
■Only way to successfully treat this disease: complete elimination of
the neoplastic disease
■All other therapeutic maneuvers are palliative.
■If continuous IV heparin is being employed: may be possible to dis-
charge pt home where pt receives continuous IV heparin via battery-
driven pump attached to pt with waist belt. Pt & family must be thor-
oughly instructed in detail about all aspects of pump use, etc. before
discharge home.
■Pt should be seen by the attending physician at least once/wk – if as
outpt everything is in excellent functional order, pt can be managed
without hospitalization. Close monitoring is needed to achieve this.


complications and prognosis



history & physical
■Exposure: bite of tsetse fly in tropical Africa. The fly transmitsTry-
panosoma brucei rhodiensein E. and S. Africa, andTrypanosoma
brucei gambiensein Central and W. Africa.
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