Internal Medicine

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0521779407-20 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:22

Trypanosomiasis, American (Chagas’ Disease) 1457



history & physical
■Exposure: Disease most prevalent in South America, especially
Brazil, Bolivia, now less common in Venezuela, Chile, Argentina,
Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia. Parasite exists in Central America and
Mexico but clinical disease less common. Many mammals, including
dogs serve as reservoir hosts. Transmitted by triatomine bugs, which
live in ceilings and walls of mud and thatched huts. Bite is pain-
less, trypanosomes defecated on skin during feeding, then rubbed
or scratched into wound.

Signs & Symptoms
■Acute phase: usually children, swelling develops at site of bite, some-
times indurated (chagoma). If conjunctiva infected, periorbital tis-
sues swell (Romana’s sign). Then ensues fever, adenopathy, hep-
atosplenomegaly, often meningeal signs. Resolves in 4–8 weeks.
■Indeterminate phase: no symptoms. Parasites settled in myocar-
dium, nerve plexus of esophagus and colon. Lasts 10 or more years.
■Chronic phase: characterized by: a) myocardopathy, with enlarged
heart, congestive heart failure, ventricular aneurysms, and arrhy-
thmias; b) megasyndromes, such as megaesophagus and mega-
colon. Due to destruction of nerve plexus in bowel, these areas lose
motility and dilate producing a baggy, flaccid esophagus or colon or
both, and dysphagia and constipation.

■Basic tests: blood: CBC shows anemia and lymphocytosis in acute
phase, normal later.
■Basic tests: urine: no help
■Specific tests: in acute phase, can see trypanosomes in spun spec-
imen or buffy coat (most sensitive). In indeterminate and chronic
phase, parasites seldom seen, may be detected by xenodiagnosis
(feed triatomine bugs on patient) in about 50%.
■Upper GI or barium enema results are very typical, almost diagnostic
in endemic area.
■Other tests: EKG usually shows RBBB, often other abnormalities,
and rhythm disturbances. PCR useful in detecting parasites in
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