Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-22 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:23

Von Willebrand Disease 1547

differential diagnosis
■Significant bleeding history: hemophilia, other factor deficiency,
qualitative platelet defect, thrombocytopenia, collagen-vascular
defect, aspirin use
■Prolonged PTT: acquired inhibitor, antiphospholipid antibody,
intrinsic coagulation pathway factor deficiency, hemophilia
■Decreased high-molecular-weight vWf multimers: DIC, TTP, HUS

■Avoid aspirin.
■Head injury precautions; avoid contact sports
■Assess efficacy of DDAVP intranasal (must use Stimate brand) or
intravenous in increasing vWf activity (ristocetin cofactor) only if
multimers are normal.
■Avoid use DDAVP in type 2B vWd: risk of increased thrombosis.
■Patient education on use of Stimate at home for epistaxis, oral bleed-
ing, menorrhagia; Stimate+/−epsilon-aminocaproic acid for minor
dental work
■For major surgery, IV DDAVP 30 min prior to procedure, repeat 12
and 36 h later. For tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, extra dose
given 5–7 days later when eschar falls off. May also require epsilon-
aminocaproic acid.
■Severe bleeding in type 3, 2N, 2M, or in type 1 vWD that does not
have a good therapeutic DDAVP trial: treat with plasma-derived
vWf/factor VIII concentrate to maintain ristocetin/vWf activity at
least 50%
■Platelet-type pseudo vWd: treat severe bleeding with platelet trans-
■Acquired inhibitor to vWf in Wilms tumor: treat with DDAVP, cry-
oprecipitate, plasma-derived vWf/factor VIII concentrate, IVIG, or
platelets; inhibitor resolves with treatment of Wilms tumor.

specific therapy

complications and prognosis
Pts usually do well; associated with a normal life expectancy.
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