Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1


0521779407-03 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 19:6

132 Anorexia Nervosa

Medical Complications
■Fluid retention may occur during initial stages of refeeding
■First 7–10 d: caloric intake should not exceed 2000 calories/d; mon-
itor fluid intake carefully
■Medication provides little in treatment of anorexia
■Treat comorbid psychiatric conditions, ie, depression
■Appetite stimulants: cyproheptadine (serotonin antagonist that
stimulates appetite) or megestrol (synthetic derivative of proges-
terone) may help

Tube Feeding
➣Dehydration & electrolyte imbalance
➣Intercurrent medical emergency necessitating weight gain
➣Failure to gain weight after adequate treatment trial
➣Negative reinforcement (ie, weight gain above certain threshold
may prevent or discontinue tube-feeding)
➣Aspiration pneumonia
➣Negative transference

■Long-term outpatient treatment:
■Usually follows discharge from in-patient unit
■Minimal duration 6 mo if weight stable
■Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT):
➣Provide suppor
➣Modify distorted patterns of thinking about weight & shape
➣Dealing w/ ongoing problems of living
■Family therapy recommended for children & adolescents

complications and prognosis
■Amenorrhea: metabolic adaptation to weight loss & hormonal
■Orthopedic problems due to excessive exercise
■Cardiovascular problems secondary to starvation & potassium defi-
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