Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:53

296 Cerebrovascular Disease & Stroke

■Anticonvulsant drugs if seizures occur
■Assess type of stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic) & candidacy for
■Reduce ICP w/ mannitol (1 g/kg IV over 30 min) if necessary after
intracerebral hemorrhage; consider surgical decompression of cere-
bellar hematomas or superficial cerebral hematoma exerting mass

specific therapy
■IV thrombolytic therapy indicated for ischemic stroke within 3 hours
of onset; contraindications include:
➣CT evidence of hemorrhage
➣Recent hemorrhage
➣Treatment w/ anticoagulants
➣Hypertension (systolic pressure >185 mm Hg or diastolic pres-
sure >110 mm Hg)
■Anticoagulants for cardiogenic embolism: heparin+warfarin (aim
for INR 2–3); contraindications include:
➣CT evidence of hemorrhage
➣Blood-stained CSF
■Treatment of underlying hyperviscosity states, bleeding disorders,
vasculopathy or structural lesions as required; antihypertensive
medication if needed after 3 wk (do not give in acute phase after
stroke, as cerebral ischemia may be exacerbated)

■Aim is to reduce risk of recurrence
➣Control hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cigarette smoking, dia-
➣Consider antithrombotic agents (aspirin [optimal dose not deter-
mined], ticlopidine or clopidogrel) to prevent ischemic stroke
➣Warfarin for persisting cardiac source of embolism
➣Consider carotid endarterectomy for stenosis >70% in pts w/
TIA, amaurosis fugax or nondisabling completed stroke (not for
asymptomatic stenosis)

complications and prognosis
■Prognosis depends on age, cause of stroke, general medical condi-
tion, severity of deficit
■Among survivors, 15% require institutional care
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