Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C02 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:53

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 341

Arterial Blood Gases
■Early: mild-moderate hypoxemia
■Late: increased hypoxemia; hypercapnia

■Commonly colonized with S pneumoniae, H influenza, M catarrhalis

differential diagnosis
■Asthma (distinguished by reversibility)
■Chronic bronchitis (sputum×3mo×≥2 successive y)
■Emphysema (CT or pathologic diagnosis)
■Cystic fibrosis
■Bronchiectasis (CT diagnosis)
■Alpha1-proteinase inhibitor deficiency (<1% of all COPD)

■See Global Initiative For Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, pro-
duced by NIH National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute and World
Health Organization:

What to Do First
■Assess severity:
➣Spirometry should be routine
➣Hypoxemia influences survival

General Measures
■Eliminate causative factors (smoking, allergens, occupational expo-
■Improve airway function (bronchodilators, steroids)
■Prevent or treat infectious exacerbations (vaccines, antibiotics)
■Support end-stage COPD
■Look for comorbid conditions (pneumothorax, CHF, PE, hypophos-
phatemia, hypokalemia)

specific therapy
■Smoking cessation slows loss of lung function
■Oxygen (only treatment proven to prolong life):
2 <55; SaO 2 <88%
2 56–59 or SaO 2 89%+right heart failure or Hct >56%
➣Continuous (20–24 h/d) better than 12 h
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