Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C02 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:53

356 Chronic Respiratory Failure

■Enhanced suctioning facilitates nursing care
■Greater patient comfort, less sedation
■Allows aggressive physical therapy

Side Effects and Complications
■Intubation >3 wks: Impaired secretion clearance
➣Nosocomial pneumonia
➣Laryngeal stricture
➣Perioperative hemorrhage
➣Swallowing dysfunction
➣Tracheal stricture
➣Tracheoinominate fistula

Contraindications to Weaning
■Absolut: Sepsis, pulmonary edema, myocardial ischemia, pneumo-
nia, bronchospasm
➣Severe musculoskeletal deconditioning
➣Avoid anabolic steroids in the presence of hepatic dysfunction
or active infection.
➣Bronchitis and Hypersecretion
During Treatment
■Assess nutrition with serial albumin, nitrogen balance, or respiratory
■Titrate pressure support levels in increments of 2–5 cm H 2 Oto
achieve RR <25, RR/TV ratio <100
■Wean FiO 2 and pressure support to keep SpO 2 >90% or PaO 2 >60
■Treat bronchospasm with albuterol aerosol.

■Serial CXRs
■Sedation as needed with narcotics and benzodiazepines for agitation
■Track progress with serial tidal volume and vital capacity measure-
ments q week
■Serial dead space measurement q 2–4 weeks.
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