Internal Medicine

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0521779407-C03 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:54

394 Conjunctival Tumors Constipation and Fecal Impaction

complications and prognosis

Constipation and Fecal Impaction........................


history & physical
■Constipation: lack of urge for defecation; infrequent and hard stools;
difficult and painful defecation with straining; <3 bowel movements
per week
■Common predisposing factors: low fiber diet, sedentary lifestyle,
old age, previous gynecologic or pelvic surgery, diabetes mellitus,
hypothyroidism, depression, chronic pharmacologic therapy with
psychotropics, calcium channel blockers, aluminum or calcium
antacids, opiates, or anticholinergics, irritable bowel syndrome,
diverticulosis, chronic neurological disease, and anorectal dysmotil-
■Severe idiopathic chronic constipation: predominantly a disease of

Signs & Symptoms
■Acute constipation (with or without fecal impaction): nausea, vom-
iting, abdominal distension and lack of stool evacuation; passage of
flatus may or may not be present
■Physical exam not generally helpful, except for rectal examination:
fissures or hemorrhoids, abnormal contraction of the puborectalis
and external anal sphincter muscles

Basic Tests
■CBC, routine chemistries, stool for occult blood, thyroid function
tests are important to evaluate metabolic or endocrine causes; plain
abdominal film of the abdomen can detect significant stool retention
and megacolon

Specific Diagnostic Tests
■Colonic transit study: passage of swallowed radiopaque markers
through the colon monitored by abdominal radiograph on day 5 after
ingestion distinguishes several subtypes of chronic constipation:
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