Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-C03 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:54

402 Contraception for the Internist
Overall protective effect on risk of ectopic pregnancies
Perforation, infection, and expulsion
Increased rates of 2nd trimester abortion, premature delivery,
low birth weight and stillbirth when IUD not removed in 1st
First year failure rate:
Copper, 0.5%
Progestin, 0.1%
■Barrier methods:
➣Diaphragm: circular metal ring covered with latex; fitted by
provider; used with spermicides; left in 6 h after intercourse
➣Cervical caps: latex rubber, covers only cervix, harder to fit
➣Condoms: latex sheath to cover penis (latex-free condoms avail-
➣Female condom: also requires spermicide
➣Sponge: in place up to 24 h
➣Side Effects
Allergy to latex or to spermicides
Increased incidence of UTIs with diaphragm
Increased risk of toxic shock syndrome with diaphragm and
➣Special Situations
Condom breakage uncommon
Petroleum-based products markedly reduce strength of con-
Both male and female condoms decrease risk of STDs
First-year failure rate:
Diaphragm, 18%
Cervical cap, 18%
Condoms without spermicides, 12%
Female condoms with spermicides, 15%
■Female sterilization:
➣Postpartum sterilization: partial salpingectomy
➣Uni/bipolar coagulation
➣Silicone band application (Falope ring)
➣Hulka or Filshie clips
■Side Effects
➣Concern regarding menstrual irregularities not supported
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