Internal Medicine

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0521779407-C04 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 14, 2007 20:37

418 Crigler-Najjer Syndrome Type 1

Basic Tests
■plasma bilirubin from 17–50 mg/dL, all unconjugated and usually
■normal liver enzymes and hemolytic screen

Special Diagnostic Tests
■phenobarbital therapy fails to decrease bilirubin
■gene probes abnormal: mutations in the gene that encodes UGT1A1
resulting in absent enzyme activity
■liver biopsy: tissue enzyme assay of UGT1A1 shows no activity
■Other Diagnostic
■oral cholecystogram: normal
■liver biopsy: histology normal

differential diagnosis
■Crigler-Najjer syndrome type 2 and Gilbert’s respond to phenobar-
bital therapy

■monitor bilirubin, hydration, and neurologic exam
■avoid bilirubin-displacing drugs
■phenobarbital trial: 5 mg/kg/day orally

specific therapy
■phototherapy: basic treatment for >10 hr/d keeping total bilirubin
<20 mg/dL (normal birth weight infants) and <35–45 mg/dL (older
patients) for kernicterus prevention

Other Specific Therapies
■double-volume exchange transfusion (infants)
■plasmapheresis (older patients)
■liver transplantation
■tin mesoporphyrin inhibits heme oxygenase and decreases bilirubin
production (experimental); complications of cutaneous photosen-
sitivity and iron deficiency anemia
■oral agents to decrease enterohepatic circulation of bilirubin:
cholestyramine, agar, calcium carbonate and phosphate
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