Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1


0521779407-D-01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:41

Diarrhea 483

Basic Studies: Blood
■CBC, LFTs, BUN, creatinine, TSH/FT4, chem 7, albumin, calcium,

Basic Studies: Stool
■Fecal leukocytes, O&P, C&S, stool hemocult, C. difficile toxin, quali-
tative fecal fat

Specific Diagnostic Tests (Mostly for Chronic Diarrhea)
■1. 72 hr quantitative stool collection: evaluate weight, fat, osmolality,
■electrolytes, Mg, pH, occult blood, laxative screen, and/or fecal
➣Quantitative fecal fat 7–14 gm/d: low specificity for accurate diag-
nosis between defective fat digestion and absorption, >14 g/d:
more specific for exocrine pancreatic disease, small intestinal
mucosal defects, abnormal enterohepatic bile salt circulation
➣Stool electrolytes to calculate osmotic gap: 290–2([Na]+[K])
if >125, pure osmotic diarrhea; if <50, pure secretory diarrhea
➣Fecal pH <5.3 carbohydrate malabsorption, >5.6 factors other
than carbohydrate malabsorption present
➣Phenolphthalein test: red discolorization after alkylinization in
laxative use
■Urine for 5-HIAA, VMA and metanephrine, serum for gastrin, VIP,
PP, calcitonin: detection of hormone producing tumors
➣Small/large intestinal biopsy: colitis, tumor, malabsorption,
pseudomembranes, melanosis coli
➣Small intestinal aspirate: bacterial overgrowth≥10 colonies/ml
➣Barium radiographs (UGI/SBFT) may complement endoscopy
■Lactose-free diet trial/lactose and other carbohydrate H2 breath
■Therapeutic trial of cholestyramine or pancreatic enzymes, specific
bile acid absorption tests or exocrine pancreatic function tests

differential diagnosis
Exudative/Inflammatory Diarrhea
■IBD, microscopic colitis, infectious diarrheas with invasive organ-
isms, radiation enteritis, ischemic colitis, food allergy, food toxins
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