Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1


0521779407-E-01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:10

542 Erectile Dysfunction
Contraindicated in men taking nitrates
Consultation with a cardiologist in men with severe cardiovas-
cular disease
Side effects include dyspepsia, nasal congestion, headache,
and visual changes
➣Yohimbine – alpha-2-adrenergic receptor antagonist acts at the
adrenergic receptors in brain
Marginal effects on ED
Side effects include palpitation, fine tremor, elevation of blood
pressure, and anxiety
➣Apomorphine – sublingual medication
Acts at the central dopaminergic (D1/D2) receptors
Released in Europe, not approved in United States
Major side effects are nausea and vomiting.
■Second-line therapy
➣Need appropriate training and education by medical personnel
before beginning
➣Vacuum constriction device (VCD)
Advantages: no drug interactions, very reliable and effective
when used properly
Disadvantages: Cumbersome and gives an unnatural erection
Side effects include petechiae, numbness and a trapped ejac-
➣Transurethral therapy
Advantages: locally acting medication, low risk of priapism,
avoids needles
Major disadvantages: penile pain, urethral bleeding and burn-
ing, and moderate response rate
➣Intracavernous injection therapy (ICI)
Advantages: very effective
Most common medications used: alprostadil, phentolamine,
papaverine, or combinations (only alprostadil is FDA-
Disadvantages: requires injection, high dropout rate, and can
cause priapism/fibrosis

■Patients who fail or are dissatisfied with medical management
■Curative surgery
➣Patients with congenital or traumatically acquired erectile dys-
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