Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-08 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:47

Glycogen Storage Disease 637

➣Exercise fails to increase lactate, but enhances ammonia
response (IIIa, V, VII)
➣Electromyogram may show generalized myopathy (II, IIIa, V, VII)
➣Electrocardiogram may show ventricular hypertrophy (II, IIIa)
■Abdominal imaging
➣Liver ultrasound, CT or MRI to assess adenoma size and number,
hemorrhage, and malignancy (Type I)
■Tissue biopsy
➣To evaluate glycogen and fat content
➣To assess presence and degree of hepatic fibrosis
➣To assay for putative missing enzyme
Liver (Ia, Ib, Ic, IIIa, IIIc, IV, VI, IX)
Muscle (II, IV, V, VII)
Nerve (IV)
Skin (II, VII)

differential diagnosis
■Other inborn error of metabolism
➣Weakness, exercise-induced myalgias and cramps
Disorders of fatty acid oxidation
Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency
Long-chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
➣Muscular weakness and atrophy
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Familial recurrent myoglobinuria
➣Liver disease with hypoglycemia
Fructose intolerance

What to Do First
■Prevent hypoglycemia
➣Nocturnal nasogastric glucose feedings (I, III)
➣Frequent small meals including uncooked cornstarch (I, III)
➣Restrict fructose and galactose (I)
➣Teach home blood glucose monitoring

General Measures
■Avoid strenuous exercise (V, VII)
■Genetic counseling
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