Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-08 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:11

642 Gonorrhea

■Culture: gold standard, requires selective media for non-sterile sites
(Thayer-Martin), incubation in high C02 environment, sensitivity
■Non-culture assays: EIA, DFA, DNA probe, nucleic acid amplification
(SDA, TMA, PCR), sensitivity 85–95%, specificity 95%
■Blood culture: positive in 20–30% of DGI cases

Other Tests
■Genital infection: CT co-infection in 20–30% of GC cases
■DGI: synovial fluid analysis – leukocytosis; synovial fluid culture –
rarely positive if synovial WBC is <20,000/mm3

differential diagnosis
■Male urethritis: CT, HSV, trichomoniasis, UTI, prostatitis
■Female urogenital infection: CT, HSV, trichomoniasis, vaginitis, UTI
■DGI: meningococcemia, septic arthritis, Reiter’s syndrome

What to Do First
■Obtain specimens from exposed sites for Gram stain and culture.
■Hospitalization recommended for DGI; examine for evidence of
endocarditis and meningitis

General Measures
■Test for concomitant STDs: CT, syphilis, HIV
■Treat for possible CT co-infection (including DGI cases)
■Report case to local public health authorities and refer sexual part-
ners for evaluation and treatment.
■Screen for complement deficiency (C5-C9) with recurrent DGI; con-
sider in all DGI cases.

specific therapy
■Positive Gram-stained urethral, endocervical, or synovial specimen
■Positive culture from any site
■Sexual contact to GC-infected patient

Treatment Options
■Uncomplicated genital, rectal, pharyngeal infections in adults
Cefixime (not currently available)
OR Cefpoxime
➣OR Ceftriaxone
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