Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-08 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:11

Granulomatous Vasculitis 647

Granulomatous Vasculitis..............................


history & physical
Wegener’s Granulomatosis (WG)
■Constitutional symptoms
■“Prolonged sinus infection” w/ oral-nasal bloody discharge
■Male:female 1:1

Signs & Symptoms
■Sinusitis, cough; nasal or oral ulcerations (90%)
■Hemoptysis, pleuritis, lower airways disease (85%)
■Arthritis (65%)
■Vasculitic skin lesions (45%)
■Peripheral or central neuropathy (25%)
■Peripheral edema (renal disease)(65%)
■Proptosis, eye pain (50%)
Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA)
■Age always >50 yrs
■Female:male 2:1
■Assoc w/ polymyalgia rheumatica
■Affects the aorta & branches, including temporal artery

Signs & Symptoms
■New-onset headache, often unilateral (80%)
■Jaw claudication (40%)
■Visual changes or loss (20%)
■TIAs or stroke (5%)
■Fever, systemic symptoms (30%)
■Polymyalgia rheumatica (40%)
■Tender temporal artery (50%)

Takayasu Arteritis (TA)
■Female:male 10:1; <40 yrs of age
Signs & Symptoms
■Dizziness, syncope, upper or lower extremity
■Vascular bruits & pulse deficits
■Hypertension more common than in GCA
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