Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-09 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:12

Head and Neck Cancer 661

➣donor site issues in reconstruction usually mild and transient
(e.g. rehabilatation following fibula free flap; shoulder physical
therapy following pectoralis major myocutaneous flap)
➣wound healing: infection, fitula, delay in post-operative RT
➣medical: aspiration & pneumonia, MI, numbness, scars generally
esthetically acceptable, DVT/embolus, etc

During Radiation
■Regularly assess potential side effects of radiotherapy and chemo-
therapy: low WBC, low RBC, low platelelets, mucositis

■Monitor for infection, wound healing issues, and medical complica-
■associated with surgery

Long-Term Routine Follow-Up
■Essential because of risk for second tumors and for management of
side effects and complications of treatment, as well as coordination
of other medical problems.
■Clinical exam
➣monthly 1st year, every other month in year 2, every 3rd month
year 3,
➣every 4th month year 4, every 6 months thereafter
■Radiologic exam
➣Baseline post-treatment MRI 2 months after completion of all Rx
➣Annual CXR (if no PET)
➣Consider annual PET as cancer surveillance, especially in
➣patients under 60 and those without usual risk factors
■Laboratory tests
➣TSH every 6 months for 3 yrs (30% incidence of hypothyroidism
in irradiated necks)
➣AST/ALT annually (if no PET)

complications and prognosis
➣dysphagia (see side effects) may be permanent, incidence
depends in part on extent of pharyngeal tumor
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