Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-09 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:12

672 Hemochromatosis

specific therapy
Indications for Treatment
■Remove excess iron if serum ferritin >300μg/L

Treatment Options
■Phlebotomy (treatment of choice): remove 500 mL of blood per week
until ferritin < 50 mcg/L; thereafter, every 3–4 months
■Deferoxamine: with severe cardiac disease or significant anemia,
consider parenteral deferoxamine; inconvenient, expensive, and
removes only 60–80 mg of iron per day.

Side Effects and Contraindications
➣Side effects: anemia
Absolute: severe cardiac disease, severe anemia
Relative: hemoglobin <11 g/dL or hematocrit <35%
➣Side effects: flushing, urticaria, hypotension, and shock may
occur. High doses may cause visual disturbances, hearing loss,
respiratory distress syndrome, and death.
Absolute: known hypersensitivity
Relative: severe renal failure

During Treatment
■Symptoms & hematocrit weekly
■Aim for transferrin saturation <30% and ferritin <50 mcg/L, with
checks every 1–3 months

■Transferrin saturation and ferritin every 12 months
complications and prognosis
■Cirrhosis: seen in 50–70% of patients with symptoms; screen for HCC
and treat as per liver failure due to other causes; consider liver trans-
plantation for end-stage liver disease
■HCC: risk increased 200-fold in cirrhotic patients; occurs in 25–30%
of cirrhotic individuals; can screen with serum alpha-fetoprotein
and ultrasound every 6 months, but no data proves this improves
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