Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-09 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:12

686 Hepatitis B

■Ultrasound or CT: nondiagnostic; abnormal with advanced disease–
revealing cirrhosis and portal hypertension

Liver Biopsy
■May be used for staging, or to exclude co-existing liver disease

differential diagnosis
■Other viral infections (e.g., HAV, HCV, EBV, etc.), gallstone disease
■Other chronic liver diseases: alcohol, HCV, autoimmune, genetic

What to Do First
■Evaluate the virological status and severity of the liver disease,
including complications and suitability for therapies.

General Measures
■Minimize hepatotoxins (alcohol, potentially hepatotoxic medica-
■Care of acute infection mainly supportive
■HAV vaccination if susceptible

specific therapy
■Positive HBeAg, elevated HBV DNA, elevated ALT

Treatment Options
■Interferon (alpha-2b or pegylated alpha-2a)
➣Favorable factors: high ALT and low HBV DNA
➣Loss of viral markers of replication and ALT normalization 20%
more often in treated vs. controls.
■Lamivudine (Epvirir-HBV)
➣Rapid suppression of serum viral DNA, but no clearance of HBsAg
➣May have favorable outcome on progression of fibrosis
➣Viral resistance mutants emerge by first year of therapy in 20%
of patients
➣Optimal duration of therapy currently uncertain
■Adefovir dipivoxil
➣Optimal duration of therapy currently uncertain; generally until
HBeAg seroconversion
➣initial resistance rate lower than lamivudine, but rising
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