Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-09 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:13

716 Hirsutism (Endocrinology)

General Measures
■Discuss potential problems, treatments, implications, follow-up
specific therapy
■Indications for Treatment
➣Hirsutism cosmetic problem
➣Modified Ferriman-Gallwey score >7
➣Mild hirsutism better candidate for drug treatment if family his-
tory of moderate to severe hirsutism
➣Do not restrict medication to women with high androgens

Treatment Options
■Nonpharmacologic, esp when mild:
➣Tweezing, bleaching, waxing, shaving, depilatories: do not accel-
erate hair growth
➣Electrolysis, laser epilation: outcome operator-dependent
➣Bilateral oophorectomy: hyperthecosis unresponsive to medical
therapy, fertility no longer desired
■Pharmacologic: no systemic drug FDA-approved for hirsutism
➣Androgen suppression:
Oral contraceptives (OCs): norethindrone, norgestrel, and
levonorgestrel androgenic; norgestimate, desogestrel least
androgenic; drospirenone antiandrogenic
If side effects with OCs, GnRH analogue with low doses of estro-
gen (and progestin)
Glucocorticoids in selected patients with CAH
➣Androgen inhibition:
Spironolactone: alone or coadminister with OC
Flutamide: as effective as spironolactone, but risk of hepato-
Finasteride: costly, less effective, but works additively with
➣Modulation of hair follicle:
Eflornithine cream: topical to facial hair twice daily
■Psychological evaluation/counseling when problem of body image

Side Effects and Contraindications
■Oral contraceptives:
➣Side effects: migraine headaches, depression, breast tenderness,
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