Internal Medicine

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0521779407-09 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:13

718 Hirsutism (Endocrinology) Histoplasma Capsulatum

complications and prognosis
■PCOS increased risk of uterine, ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, dys-
lipidemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis
■Unrecognized, tumor can grow, and malignancy can spread
■Cushing syndrome can be subtle, worsening if not diagnosed and
■Hirsutism can be psychologically scarring

Histoplasma Capsulatum..............................


history & physical
■Inhalation of mycelial fragments and microconidia
■Endemic in Ohio and Mississippi River valleys, soil-based fungus
■Strong association between bird and bat guano and presence of
■Disruption of soil by excavation or construction is associated with
organism release.
■People exposed to disrupted soil through recreation or work activities
are most at risk.
■Disease develops in men > women by 4:1 ratio.
■No differences in racial or ethnic groups
Signs & Symptoms
■Acute Primary Infection:
➣>90% unrecognized
➣Asymptomatic or mild influenza-like illness
➣In those ill, incubation 7–21 days. Fever (up to 42C), HA, nonpro-
ductive cough, chills, chest pain
➣Arthralgias, E. nodosum, E. multiforme 6% pts, mostly women
➣Physical findings minimal – rales, rarely organomegaly
➣6% acute pericarditis – precordial chest pain, fever – pericardial
friction rub, pulsus paradoxus, enlarged cardiac silhouette
■Acute Reinfection: milder influenza-like illness
■Histoplasmoma: mass lesion resembling fibroma, can enlarge over
years to form calcified mass
■Mediastinal Granuloma: massive enlargement of mediastinal lymph
nodes by granulomatous inflammation. Asymptomatic or can affect
major airways; fibrosis in healing can cause retraction.
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