Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-09 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:54

800 Hypothermia

differential diagnosis
What to Do First
■Confirm hypothermia
■Move patient to warm environment; replace wet clothing with clean,
dry insulating material
■Asystole NOT equivalent to death in cold patient; aggressive treat-
ment indicated

General Measures
■Avoid rough handling; do not place pulmonary artery catheters
because myocardium very irritable; high risk for ventricular fibrilla-
■Intubate if comatose or depressed protective airway reflexes
■Obtain IV access, monitor on telemetry, and place urinary catheter
to monitor output
■Resuscitate with D-5 normal saline; most patients volume depleted
from cold-induced diuresis and third spacing
■Identify predisposing conditions and determine duration and sever-
ity of exposure

specific therapy
Treatment Options
■Altered mental status: D-50, naloxone, thiamine
■Passive external rewarming (for mild hypothermia that developed
over days): cover patient with insulating material (eg, aluminized
coverings) to prevent further heat loss; rate of temperature rise 0.3–
■Active external rewarming (for mild hypothermia that developed
acutely: apply heat (hot packs, warm blankets, plumed garments, or
radiant heaters with temperature 40–45◦C) to skin on patient’s trunk;
immersion in 40◦C water bath another option; usually combined
with active core rewarming
■Active core rewarming (for moderate to severe hypothermia):
➣First-line treatment: heated oxygen (45◦C) delivered through a
cascade humidifier; raises temperature 1–2◦C/h
■Cardiopulmonary bypass most effective technique, esp in patients
with cardiac arrest or unstable arrhythmias; raises temperature 1◦C
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