Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-10 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 18:40

818 Immune Hemolytic Anemia Immunodeficiency Disorders

■surveillance for neoplastic process as cause of chronic hemolysis or
as a side-effect of therapy
complications and prognosis
■severe anemia, cardiac failure, renal failure, DIC (thrombosis and
bleeding) neurologic abnormalities, and death
■25% of steroid-treated patients will experience complete remission;
remaining patients will have either partial or no response at all;
response rate also depends on treatment of underlying disorder.
■splenectomy produces partial or complete remission in 50% of cases
■post-infectious CAHA may be very severe and life threatening requir-
ing aggressive supportive care in hospital. However, the majority of
cases are self-limited with full recovery within one month
■chronic idiopathic CAHA is characterized by prolonged survival with
spontaneous remissions and exacerbations
■in CAHA associated with malignancy the hemolysis often parallels
the activity of the neoplasm
■post-infectious PCH is self-limited with full recovery within one
month; primary PCH has a natural history that extends over many
years punctuated by episodes of severe hemolysis
■steroids usually effective; disorder often persistent with intermittent
episodes of hemolysis
■positive DAT and hemolysis may persist for weeks to months follow-
ing discontinuation of drug

Immunodeficiency Disorders, Congenital..................


history & physical
■Otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, meningitis: B-cell deficiency; X-
linked or autosomal recessive
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