Internal Medicine

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0521779407-10 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 18:40

830 Infective Endocarditis

glomerulonephritis; pulmonary infiltrates on CXR with right-sided
endocarditis and embolization to the lungs; conduction abnormal-
ities on EKG suggest myocardial abscess
■Definitive diagnosis made by blood culture; 3 blood cultures
obtained over 24 hours (in acutely ill, 3 blood cultures at least 1
hour apart) positive in over 95%; negative cultures due causes listed
If culture negative: serology, valve tissue PCR, or histopathology
(if early surgery) may aid diagnosis.
■Echocardiography helpful in establishing diagnosis and defining
valve involved; transthoracic echo positive in 60%; transesophageal
echo positive in 90% (especially good for pulmonic valve and pros-
thetic valve endocarditis and detecting myocardial abscesses
■Duke criteria for clinical diagnosis; probable endocarditis (80%
likelihood) if 2 major criteria, 1 major and 3 minor criteria or 5
minor criteria; possible endocarditis if 1 major and 1 minor crite-
ria or 3 minor criteria; major criteria=(1) two separate positive
blood culture for organisms that typically cause endocarditis (2) evi-
dence of endocardial involvement pathologically or by echo (vege-
tation, abscess or dehiscence of prosthetic valve) (3) new regurgitant
murmur; minor criteria=(1) predisposing heart disease or IV drug
use (2) fever greater than 38 (3) vascular phenomenon (systemic or
pulmonary embolization (4) immunologic phenomenon (glomeru-
lonephritis, Osler node, Roth spot) and (5) positive blood cultures,
but not meeting the major criteria

differential diagnosis
■Nonspecific clinical manifestations similar to many febrile illnesses
including other infections, collagen vascular disease, cancer; con-
sider in anyone with fever and heart murmur, a prosthetic valve and
fever, any young person with an unexplained neurologic event and
in IV drug users with fever

■Establish diagnosis with blood cultures; in acutely ill, do not delay
therapy to obtain multiple blood cultures; in nonacute patients on
antibiotics, reasonable to withhold antibiotics 3–4 days to obtain
cultures off therapy
■Anticoagulation contraindicated in native valve endocarditis; in
prosthetic valve endocarditis, anticoagulation continued unless
there has been an intracerebral bleed
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