Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-10 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 6, 2007 17:44

886 Laxative Abuse

Other Tests:
■Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy: may reveal melanosis coli, a benign
condition characterized by dark pigmentation of the mucosa caused
by anthracene-containing laxatives (senna, cascara, aloe, danthron)
■Barium enema: may reveal a cathartic colon – dilated colon with loss
of haustra, and focal areas of transient narrowing or “pseudostric-
tures”, a gaping ileoceal valve and a tubular terminal ileum
differential diagnosis
■Any condition that causes chronic diarrhea (secretory or osmotic)
What to Do First
■Patient should be confronted and laxatives must be stopped
General Measures
■Education re: normal bowel habits

specific therapy
■Anorexia and bulimia: psychiatric consultation
■Cathartic colon:
➣High-fiber diet and bulk laxatives
➣Enemas may help during the bowel retraining period
➣If medical therapy fails, consideration of surgery (subtotal colec-
■Melanosis coli: no need for specific therapy; colonic changes are
reversible once laxatives stopped
■Follow-up to assess response to medical therapy
■Some have reversal of radiographic abnormalities and function
within a few months
■Patients with melanosis coli do not need follow-up
complications and prognosis
■Laxative abuse could lead to severe electrolyte and metabolic distur-
bances serious enough to cause death
■Laxative abuse has been incriminated as the cause of melanosis coli
and cathartic colon

■For those able to stop laxatives, prognosis good since electrolyte and
metabolic complications are reversible
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