Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-13 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:15

Liver Transplantation 913

➣severe impairment of quality of life and CTP≥^7
severe or progressive hepatic encephalopathy
refractory ascites
recurrent portal hypertensive hemorrhage
progressive and incapacitating fatigue
➣indicators of poor 1-year survival
hepatorenal syndrome
recurrent spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
prothrombin time >5 seconds prolonged
serum bilirubin >5 mg/dL
serum albumin <2.5 gm/dL
■cholestatic liver disease
➣severe impairment of quality of life and CTP≥^7
intractable pruritus
recurrent biliary sepsis
metabolic bone disease with fractures
xanthomatous neuropathy
➣indicators of poor 1-year survival
serum bilirubin >10 mg/dL
Mayo risk score for primary biliary cirrhosis or primary scle-
rosing cholangitis predictive of <90% 1-year survival
■inborn errors of metabolism (OLT corrects nonhepatic manifesta-

Absolute Contraindications to OLT
■advanced cardiac disease
■advanced pulmonary disease
■multisystem organ failure
■HIV seropositivity
■extrahepatic malignancy
■active alcoholism or substance abuse
■medical noncompliance with immunosuppressive protocol
■anatomic abnormalities precluding OLT surgery

Immunosuppressive Drugs and Side Effects
➣hypertension, hyperglycemia, poor wound healing osteoporo-
sis, cataracts, mental status changes, susceptibility to infection,
edema, hirsutism
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