Internal Medicine

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0521779407-13 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:15

Lung Cancer 923

General Measures
■Thorough, rapid staging:
➣Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC): TNM classification (T1–4,
N0-3, M0-1): lesions Ia – IIIa generally considered resectable/
➣SCLC: limited vs extensive
Limited: confined to 1 hemithorax (radiation port)
Extensive: metastatic (majority of cases)
■PFTs if potentially resectable or having pulmonary symptoms

specific therapy
■Indicated for all patients: curative vs palliative

Treatment Options
➣1/3 of patients with symptoms are resectable
Indicated for patients Ia–IIIa
Neoadjuvant (preoperative) chemotherapy investigational but
➣Lobectomy more effective that segmentectomy
➣SCLC: surgery with chemotherapy improves survival with coin
■Radiation therapy:
➣Less effective than surgery: important for patients with limited
pulmonary reserve, and preop for Pancoast tumors
➣Chemoradiation mainstay of therapy in limited stage SCLC.
➣Successful palliation for documented bone mets
➣Gamma knife brain irradiation useful in CNS met control
➣Cis-platinum regimens standard
➣Multiple newer agents (taxol, gemcitibine, navalbine, others)
with comparable benefits and varying side effects; survival and
cost effectiveness documented for stage IV NSCLC and good per-
formance status
➣Response rates 30–50%
➣Mainstay of treatment in SCLC with good rates response, symp-
tom control but eventual development of resistence
■Stents/laser therapy:
➣For obstructed bronchi, central tumors and collapse; endovas-
cular stents an option in SVC syndrome
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