Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-14 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:16

Mediastinal Masses 959

➣Vascular masses:
aneurysms, dilatations
➣Diaphragmatic hernia (hiatal)
■Posterior Mediastinum
➣Neural tumors:
neurofibroma, neurilemoma, neurosarcoma, ganglioneu-
roma, ganglioneuroblastoma, pheochromocytoma
➣Esophageal carcinoma, diverticuli
➣Diaphragmatic hernia (Bochdalek)

What to Do First
■Define location
■Look for involvement of vital structures
■Consider systemic effects (myasthenia, Cushing, hypertension)

specific therapy
➣Indicated for all, even benign
➣Otherwise, may enlarge and compress vital structures, become
infected, rupture
■Radiation therapy, chemotherapy:
➣Useful adjuncts to resection for some tumors
➣Seminomas are extremely radio- and chemosensitive

■Depends on histopathology of mass
■Monitor systemic effects where appropriate – these often resolve
after resection

complications and prognosis
■Goiter – thyrotoxicosis
■HCG-secreting germ cell tumor – gynecomastia
■Parathyroid adenoma, lymphoma – hypercalcemia
■Thymoma, carcinoid – Cushing’s
■Pheochromocytoma – hypertension
■Thymoma – myasthenia gravis, RBC aplasia, myocarditis, hypogam-
maglobulinemia, other autoimmune diseases
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