Common distortions caused by tightness include lateral tracking of femur during hip flexion
Joint Action performed by the Hip
- Flexion
- Abduction
- External rotation
Joint Action performed by the Knee
- Flexion
For example it brings the knee up and turns thigh outward (crossing legs when sitting).
Origin: Ilium – Iliac spine (anterior superior)
Insertion: Tibia – Medial condyle (anterior)
Common distortions due to tightness is a restriction of hip extension and internal rotation. Some
sports associated with these movements include ballet, soccer, and skating
Biceps Femoris (Long Head)
Joint Action performed by the Knee
- Flexion
- External Rotation
Joint Action performed by the Hip
- Extension
Origin: Ishium – Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: 1. Tibia – Lateral condyle
- Fibula – Head