Common distortions caused by weakness is a foot drop
Joint Action performed by the Ankle and Knee
- Plantarflexion
- Flexion – respectively
For example it points the foot down
Origin: Femur – A. Lateral supracondylar line (distal aspect)
B. Popliteal surface Oblique popliteal ligament
Insertion: Calcaneus – Posterior aspect via Achilles tendon
Common distortions due to weakness is a heel which is elevate during a squat due to limited
dorsiflexion and increased stress on calcaneus
Joint Action performed by the Ankle
- Plantar flexion (assists)
For example it points the foot down and in
Origin: 1. Tibia – Posterior lateral aspect
- Fibula – Proximal two thirds (medial aspect) *Interosseous membrane
Insertion: 1. Navicular – Tuberosity
- Calcaneus – Sustentaculum tali (first, second, and third cuneiforms)
- Cuboid – bases (second, third, and fourth metatarsals)
Common distortions due to weakness and tightness respectively are
over-pronation and supination