Joint Action performed by the First metatarsophalangeal joint
- Abduction
- Flexion (assists)
Origin: 1. Tuberosity (medial process)
- Plantar Fascia
- Flexor retinaculum
For example the points big toe in (away from other toes)
Insertion: First proximal phalanx – Base (medial aspect)
Common distortions due to weakness is Hallux valgus or the big toe pointed out towards
other toes
Joint Action performed by the First metatarsophalangeal joint
- Adduction
- Flexion (assists)
For example points big toe out towards other toes
Orign: 1. Oblique Head
- Second, Third, and fourth metatarsals – Bases
- Peroneus longus tendon sheath
Insertion: 1. Transverse Head
- Third, Fourth and fifth plantar metatarsophlangeal ligaments
- Deep transverse metatarsal ligament
Common distortions caused by tightness is Hallux valgus or the big toe pointed out
towards other toes