Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Eccentric Hamstring Exercise

Objective: Develop eccentric strength in the
hamstrings as well as core strength

Level: Advanced

Directions and Coaching Points: Divide your
players into pairs. Have one player kneel down
on the ground maintaining an erect torso.
Instruct the other player to hold the ankles of the
player kneeling down in a firm position (Figure
6.9 a). Direct the kneeling player to lean forward
slowly from the knees until the torso makes a 45
degree angle with the ground. The body (from
the knees to the head should be straight (Figure
6.9b). Slowly return to the starting position.
Switch roles after the desired amount of reps.


Figure 6.9
Hip Bridge

Objective: Develop core strength with an emphasis on the hip musculature and gluteus maximus

Level: Beginner

Directions and Coaching Points: Have the player lie flat on their back with the legs together. Instruct
them to bend (flex) the knees until the lower legs are almost perpendicular to the ground (Figure 6.10a).
Both feet should be flat on the ground and parallel to each other. Initiate the bridge position by lifting the
hips off the ground until the knees to the shoulders form a straight line (Figure 6.10b). The player should
be contracting the gluteus and core muscles to maintain a stable bridge position. Continue for the desired
time and then return to the starting position.

Progression: This exercise can be progressed by having the player lift and extend one leg off the ground
while maintaining a stable bridge position (Figure 6.10c).

a) b) c)

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