Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1
Figure 6.20a Figure 6.20b

Plank with One-arm Rows and two -touch Passing

Set-up and Directions: Divide your players into groups of two with one ball for each pair. Have them
stand approximately 10 yards apart. Instruct them to pass back and forth between each other (they must
take 2 touches). After 90 seconds, all players perform a set of planks with one-arm rows for10 repetitions.
When completed, have them return to passing for another 90 seconds, after which, they perform a second
set of planks with one-arm rows. Continue this cycle for desired amount of sets or strength exercises (no
more than 2 to 3).

Variation: You can vary the passing component of the exercise by i) having the players control with the
right then pass with the left (and vice versa); ii) control with the outside of the foot and pass with the
same foot; or iii) one-touch passing.

Other low-intensity ball work activities that can be interspersed between strength exercises include keep-
ups. Remember, the activities during the rest periods must be low intensity; otherwise the players will not
be sufficiently recovered. The focus is on improving strength.

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