Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

The Transition Period

The transition period is the phase between the end of the competitive period and the start of the off-
season. However, for teams that have multiple competition periods, the transition period also refers to the
phase between the end of one competitive period and the start of the next preparation phase. The length of
this phase can range from a week to a few months, depending on the league or standard of play.

The main goal during the transition period is physical and mental recovery of your players. However,
athletes should perform some time of physical activity during this period in order to maintain a base level
of fitness. This ensures that they are not physically overwhelmed at the start of the next preparation phase
or off-season. As such, coaches generally incorporate cross-training techniques during this phase. By
performing physical activity that is not soccer-related, players are allowed to mentally recover from
participating in a long and intense training program while maintaining a base level of fitness.

Table 11.1 summarizes the major conditioning objectives for all phases of the training

Table 11.1 Conditioning Objectives for the Multiple Phases of the Training Year

Phase of Season

Duration of Phase Main Conditioning Objectives

Early Off Season
4 to 6 weeks

Develop basic strength, aerobic
endurance and basic speed and agility

Late Of season
4 to 6 weeks

Develop eccentric strength and prep the
body for high-intensity training

2 to 3 weeks

Develop anaerobic capacity, strength
endurance and explosive power

Competition Phase (In-Season)

Maintenance of fitness acquired during
off and pre-seasons

Transition Period
1 week to a few months

Mental and physical recovery, while
maintaining a base level of fitness
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