Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Long Range Passing With All-Out Sprints

Objective: Develop maximum speed and long range passing technique

Set-up and Instructions: This exercise requires half of a regular-sized playing field for the playing area.
Place one cone on the penalty spot and a second cone at the center spot on the half way line. Have your
players form equal lines behind each cone, with the player at the front of one line having a ball at their
feet (Figure 4.7a). Start by having the player with the ball play a driven pass (with the laces) to the player
at the front of the other line. As the pass is made, the player must sprint to the end of other line (Figure
4.7b). The player who receives the ball repeats the process.

Figure 4.7a Figure 4.7b

Coaching Points: The athletes should attempt to sprint maximally with proper technique after passing.
The coach should focus on arm action, knee drive, posture, and foot strike.

When passing, the player must take a touch out of their feet and approach the ball at a slight angle (not
straight on). The player must then hop unto the supporting foot, which should be placed beside the ball
and pointing in the direction of the intended pass. The toes of the foot striking the ball should be pointing
down, and the leg should follow through towards the target.

Variation: You can vary the exercise by having the players make passes along the ground, or by having
them play curved or bent passes.

Progression: The player who passes the ball now sprints towards the receiving player and plays a wall
pass with them before the other player makes their driven pass (Figure 4.7c).

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