Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1
Figure 4.8b Figure 4.8c

Note: Players should change lines after each attempt and the coach should switch wings after each player
has done a few repetitions.

Coaching Points: Coach the weight and accuracy of the cross, which should be played into the path of
the oncoming striker. You should also coach the body positioning of the player before crossing.

When finishing, players should adjust their body so that they are leaning over the ball on contact. They
must quickly select what surface of the foot they want to use, and follow through of both the leg and hips
should be towards the intended direction (after contact with the ball).

Variation: You can vary this exercise by having the wide players shoot one touch and then having the
central players follow up the rebound.

Progression: You can progress this exercise by having a defender start on the half way line in between
the wide and central player. Their job is to try and cut out the cross into the striker. They must start with
their backs facing away from the goal, however. The winger is still limited to a maximum of two touches.

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