Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Backpedal and Sprint with Dribbling

Objective: Develop the ability to transition from a backpedal to a sprint using a drop step

Set-up and Directions: Set up a grid 20 yards by 20 yards. Place two small goals (1.5 yards wide) at the
base of the grid, 1 yard in from each side line. Mark out a half-way line by placing four small cones 4 to 5
yards a part. Have a player with a ball start on the center of the half-way line facing a second player who
is standing at the top of the grid (Figure 5.8a). (Set up one grid for each pair, or have two pairs per grid,
with one pair recovering while the other pair goes)

Figure 5.8a

Play is initiated by having the player with the ball play, and follow, a pass into the feet of their partner. As
soon as the player receives and controls the ball, they must dribble straight at the other player who must
then start backpedaling (Figure 5.8b). Note: The passing player is not allowed to win the ball.

This continues until the backpedaling partner crosses the half-way line at which point the dribbling player
will cut and speed dribble diagonally towards one of the two goals. The player backpedaling must
transition from backpedaling to a sprint in order to chase their dribbling partner (Figure 5.8c).

Note: once the dribbling player chooses a goal, they must stick with that goal

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