Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Forwards-backwards Footwork Exercise with Third-man Pass*

Objective: Develop basic footwork, coordination and stop-and-go ability

Set-up and Directions: Set up a horizontal row of seven small cones 1 yard apart, but offset by 1 yard.
Place a larger cone 5 to 7 yards from the first small cone, perpendicular to the direction of the smaller
cones. Have a small group of players line up behind this cone. Have two coaches stand at the opposite
end as shown (Figure 5.9 a).

Figure 5.9a Figure 5.9b

When ready, have the player at the front of the line sprint towards the cone in front of them and complete
the pattern as shown (Figure 5.9b). They continue this backwards-forwards pattern and when they round
the final cone, they must sprint towards the coach who will play a pass to them that they must play 1-time
into the feet of the second coach (third-man) (Figure 5.9b).

Coaching Points: The player must maintain good posture (slight forward lean at the hips) and a low
centre of gravity. Ensure they transition between movements quickly, but under control. The steps should
be short, but rapid.
As soon as they round the final cone, the player must accelerate towards the coach. As they receive the
pass, the player must adjust their body and open their hips in the direction of where they intend to play the
ball. They should be compact over the ball and the foot should follow through towards the target.

Variation: Vary the position of the second coach (either to the left or right of the coach passing the ball)
as well as how the ball is played into the player (bounced, lobbed, etc.).

Progression: Have the players start the exercise slowly, and once they have mastered the footwork, have
them perform it as quickly as possible.

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