Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

4-Cone Shadow Exercise

Objective: Develop multi-directional stop-and-go ability, speed of reaction and dribbling technique

Set-up and Directions: Set up four cones to make a diamond (cross) shape. The length of each side of the
diamond should be four yards. Set up a second diamond approximately 5 yards from the top of the first so
that both are directly in line with each other (Figure 5.15a). Have two players stand in the centre of each
diamond facing each other. Designate one player as the leader and the other as the follower. Whatever
movement the leader does, the follower has to mirror.

Figure 5.15a Figure 5.15b

The goal of the exercise is for the leader to reach and touch a cone well in advance of the follower.
Players are only allowed to move forwards, backwards or laterally (side-to-side shuffle) to and from the
center of the diamond, and must always be facing each other.

Coaching Points: Good posture and a low centre of gravity should be maintained at all times. Ensure
players use proper technique when cutting, side-to-side shuffling, backpedaling and accelerating.
Emphasize speed and encourage the leader to use fakes and cuts to lose the follower.

Variation: You can vary the exercise by directing the player following to go in the opposite direction to
that of the leader.

Progression: Progress this exercise by having the leader dribble a ball (Figure 5.15b). Instead of touching
the cone, they must stop the ball beside the cone with their feet.

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