26.1 Convex sets and functions 291
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 26.1(a) is a convex set. (b) is a nonconvex set. (c) is the convex hull of a
nonconvex set. (d) is a convex function. (e) is nonconvex, but all local minimums are
global. (f) is not convex.
Permitting convex functions to take values of−∞is a convenient standard
because certain operations on proper convex functions result in improper
ones (infimal convolution, for example). These technicalities will never bother
us in this book, however.
A consequence of the definition is that for convexfwe have
f(αx+ (1−α)y)≤αf(x) + (1−α)f(y)
for allα∈(0,1) andx,y∈dom(f). (26.1)
In fact, the inequality holds for allx,y∈Rd.
Some authors use Eq. (26.1) as the definition of a convex function along
with a specification that the domain is convex. IfA⊆Rdis convex, then
f:A→Ris convex if it satisfies Eq. (26.1) withf(x) =∞assumed for
x /∈A.
A function isstrictly convexif the inequality in Eq. (26.1) is always strict.
TheFenchel dualof a functionfisf∗(u) =supx〈x,u〉−f(x), which is convex
because the maximum of convex functions is convex. The Fenchel dual has many
nice properties. Most important for us is that for sufficiently nice functions∇f∗
is the inverse of∇f(Theorem 26.6). Another useful property is that whenfis
a proper convex function and its epigraph is closed, thenf=f∗∗. The Fenchel
dual is also called the convex conjugate. Iff:Rd→R ̄is twice differentiable
on the interior of its domain, then convexity offis equivalent to its Hessian
having nonnegative eigenvalues for allx∈int(dom(f)). The field of optimization