Bandit Algorithms

(Jeff_L) #1
28.5 Notes 321

one-or-other can sometimes be slightly easier. Note thatlazy mirror descent
is a variant of mirror descent that is equivalent to follow the regularized leader
for strictly convex potentials [Hazan, 2016].
8 In the full information case, both mirror descent and FTRL continue to behave
well when the losses are chosen nonobliviously. This does not translate to the
bandit setting for a subtle reason. LetRˆn(a) =

t=1〈At−a,yt〉be the random
regret so that














The second sum is constant when the losses are oblivious, which means the
maximum can be brought outside the expectation, which is not true if the loss
vectors are nonoblivious. It is still possible to bound the expected loss relative
to a fixed comparatoraso that

Rn(a) =E





≤B ,

whereBis whatever bound obtained from the analysis presented above. A
little rewriting shows that













The difference in expectations can be bounded using tools from empirical
process theory, but the resulting bound is onlyO(

n) ifV[Rˆn(a)] =O(n). In
general, however, the variance can be much larger. We emphasize again that
the nonoblivious regret is a strange measure because it does not capture the
reactive nature of the environment. The details of the application of empirical
process theory is beyond the scope of this book. For an introduction to that
topic we recommend the books by Vaart and Wellner [1996], van de Geer [2000],
Boucheron et al. [2013], Dudley [2014].
9 The price of bandit information on the unit ball is an extra

Proposition 28.6 and Theorem 28.11). Except for log factors this is also true for
the simplex (Proposition 28.7 and Note 3). One might wonder if the difference
is always about

d, but this is not true. The price of bandit information can
be as high as Θ(d). Overall the dimension dependence in the regret in terms of
the action set is still not well understood except for special cases.

10 The poor behavior of follow the leader in the full information setting depends
on(a)the environment being adversarial rather than stochastic and(b)the
action set having sharp corners. When either of these factors is missing, follow
the leader is a reasonable choice [Huang et al., 2017b]. Note that with bandit
feedback the failure is primarily due to a lack of exploration (Exercises 4.10
and 4.11).

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