Web User - UK (2019-08-21)

(Antfer) #1
Workshop 2

Get more practical advice atwww.facebook.com/webusermagazine^21 Aug - 3 Sept 2019^55


If you want to check that the software isworking, click the
‘Test with QEMU’ button.^1 This launches the boot menu
in a simple emulationWindow^2 so you can see that it
works. We found thisvery slow on our PC, but don’t panic – the
finishedversion will perform much better. Shut down QEMU
and loadyour other ISOs.


We also added theKasperskyRescue Disc (bit.ly/
kasp482)^1 by dragging and dropping it into the
Antivirusfolder.^2 This is a particularly usefultool
to have on any multibootingsystem becauseyou can use
it to scan a PCfor viruses without havingto start up the
infected operating system.


Beforeyou can bootyour PC from a USB drive, you ma y
needto change the boot order.This is a setting in the
BIOS or UEFI.Look outfor a messagetelling you howto
enter this whenyou rebootyour PC – it usually involves
pressing a functionkey such as F2 or F8. Find the boot order
section^1 and make sure USB orRemovable Devices is first.^2


Now whenyou rebootyour PC with the USB device
connected, it takesyou to the Easy2Boot menu.^1 Here
you can use the arrow keys to navigate tothe optionyou
want. Alternatively, skipto the option using the numberkeys^2
or open the menu using the shortcut.^3 F8 takesyou backto
the main menu.


The de veloper’s we bsite has a thorough guide that
can helpyou if you getstuck, although it’s split over
several pages and can get a bit bogged down with
jargon. It’s worth exploring ifyou ha ve problems, though.Look
out for the quickstart guide, (bit.ly/e2bqs482)^1 the ‘Primer’
page (bit.ly/e2bprim482) and theFAQ (bit.ly/e2bfaq482).


We went straight to the Linux optionto te st Linux
Mint. Because Mintwas the only option in the Linux
menu, it bootedstraight away, displaying thestandard
Linux Mint menu.^1 From herewe could chooseto start the
software immediately.


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