
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

http://www.yummy.ph 17 December 2016PHOTOGRAPHY:PATRICK MARTIRES.TEXT:ANNA FELIPE.Holiday eating doesn’t have to mean mindlessly indulging.0WVTKVKQPKUVFKGVKEKCP#FTKGPPG)CYVGGQHHGTUVKRUHQT|OCMKPIsmart choices without missing out on the festive fun.HEALTHY HACKSSTART WITH AGAME PLANInstead of getting foodfrom the buffet as you go,scout for the best offeringswÀÃÌ°˜œÜˆ˜}܅>̽Ãavailable helps you make a“i˜Ì>ˆÃ̜v܅>Ì>˜`…œÜmuch to get. Pick only thefoods that give you trueenjoyment then leave outthe rest.``````MAKE SMART SWAPSœvœÀi>˜VÕÌÃ>˜`܅ˆÌimeat; skip the deep-friedofferings and choose thosethat are baked, grilled,steamed, or sautéed; limitthe buttery and creamy`ˆÃ…iÃÆ`œ˜½ÌvœÀ}iÌ̜i>Ìyour veggies. Keep sauces,dressings, and gravy onthe side instead of loadingޜÕÀvœœ`܈̅̅i“°/ÀÞto keep your consumptionof pastas and casseroles athalf a cup.``````EXERCISE RESTRAINTON SPLURGESœ˜½Ì`i«ÀˆÛiޜÕÀÃiv]LÕÌ`œ˜½ÌœÛiÀ`œˆÌ]either. Instead of turningyour Noche Buena intoa four-day feast, keep itas a one-day indulgence.Before going for your thirdÃiÀۈ˜}]>ÃÃiÃÈvޜսÀiÀi>ÞÃ̈…Õ˜}ÀÞ°>`Ìܜslices of your favorite pizza?̽Ã܈Ãi̜Ã>Ûi̅>ÌψViœvcake for another day.``````EAT LOW- TOHIGH-CALORIE-Ì>ÀÌ܈̅>LÀœÌ…‡L>Ãi`ÜիœÀ>wˆ˜}Ã>>`̅i˜move on to lean protein.By the time you reach̅œÃivÕ`}ÞLÀœÜ˜ˆiÃ]>viÜLˆÌiÃ>Ài>ÞœÕ½˜ii`̜viiÃ>̈Ãwi`°``````SPLIT THAT TREATFind a friend or family“i“LiÀ܅œÜˆLi܈ˆ˜}̜Å>Ài`iÃÃiÀÌ܈̅ޜհ̽ÃLiÃÌ̜Ã>“«i>couple of desserts insteadof getting full servingsof each. You can actuallyÃ>̈ÃvÞޜÕÀÃÜiiÌ̜œÌ…܈̅>LˆÌiœvœ˜iœÀÌܜÌÀi>Ìð``````ALTERNATEYOUR DRINKSCocktails and otheralcoholic beverages arehigh in sugar and can packon as much as 100 caloriesper glass. Avoid pouring onthe pounds by alternatingLiÌÜii˜>˜>Vœ…œˆV`Àˆ˜Žand zero-calorie sparklingÜ>ÌiÀ°Ì½Ã>˜ivviV̈ÛiÜ>Þ̜È`iÃÌi«>hangover, too!``````DROP THE GUILTCalling it a “cheat meal”“>ŽiÈÌÜ՘`ˆŽiޜսÀi`œˆ˜}ܓi̅ˆ˜}ÜÀœ˜}]܅i˜ÞœÕ½ÀiÕÃÌ>œÜˆ˜}yourself to indulge alittle. Instead, think ofit as a “reset meal”—amomentary break that`œiؽ̅>Ûi̜Li>ÃÜVˆ>Ìi`܈̅}ՈÌ°ÕÃÌremember to get backœ˜ÌÀ>VŽÜˆÌ…ÞœÕÀ˜œÀ“>eating routine the verynext day.``````STRIKE A BALANCEAfter a day of festivemeals, go back to a morebalanced diet. Include lotsof fruits and vegetables,܅œi}À>ˆ˜Ã]«>˜Ì‡L>Ãi`protein sources like tofuand beans, and healthy fatslike coconut and olive oils./…ˆÃÜ>Þ]ޜÕܜ˜½ÌÃÌ>ÀÛiyour body of the nutrientsit needs.Lighten up

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