
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

http://www.yummy.ph 85 December 2016Women in CoffeeThis brand of locally sourcedand roasted coffee is soldexclusively at EchoStorebranches. The coffee isproduced by female farmersassisted by EchoStore andthe International Women’sCoffee Alliance throughtraining programs and directaccess to the retail markets.``````Coco DolceFounded by Freefood Co.,Coco Dolce is a line ofpremium chocolate barsmade with 100 percentlocal cacao beans sourcedvia community trading ina small cooperative basedin Mindanao. That meansits beans are fair-trade,giving local cocoa farmers ahealthy share.``````Elemie NaturalsThe cosmetic line wasfounded to help elevate thecommunities and farms inBicol. The produts are madewith 100 percent pili andelemi oils endemic to theforests of the Bicol Region,and are made in tandemwith Bicol’s farmingcommunities in as ethical,natural, and sustainable away as possible.``````Roots KatipunanThis co-working space-slash-grocer fostersPinoy communities byraising awareness aboutproducts made by a largevariety of local businesses,charities, and socialenterprises that focus onenvironmental awarenessand poverty alleviation.``````Nipa FoodsThe specialty food businessaims to offer 100 percentlocally sourced andproduced products, likefruit wines and small batchbeers, to a global audience.Nipa Foods sources all itsproducts from local farmers,offering them equal tradeopportunities and accessto markets throughout thecountry and abroad.``````H&M ConsciousBecause of the growingneed for eco-friendlylifestyle choices, H&Mcreated the Conscious lineto make “fashion sustainableand sustainabilityfashionable.” The line usessustainable materials and ismade in collaboration withsmall communities aroundthe globe.SustainablyMadeThe award-winningenterprise carefully craftswooden home products withsustainably farmed premiumHonduras Mahogany. Withtheir eco-centric vision,SustainablyMade makessure to use ethically grownand harvested wood fromthe MARSSE Tropical TimberPlantations in Pangasinan.Kala MilkKala Milk works together withcraftsmen and farmers inBulacan to produce high-quality and fair-trade soapusing natural carabao’smilk. The group providesthe farmers with workopportunities and decentliving wages for their labor.The makers

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