
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

PHOTOGRAPHY:``````MICHAEL ANGELO CHUA.``````TEXT AND STYLING:``````CHINO L. CRUZ.COOKIECUTTERSThis month, whipout these versatiletools for a little bitof kitchen fun!TERRIFICTOOLSHAPE SHIFTERSThe fun thingabout cookiecutters is that theynow come in ahuge variety ofshapes and sizes.There are simpleshapes like circlesand squares,classic ones likegingerbread“i˜>˜`yœÜiÀÃ]and even cutterswith stamps thatimprint patternsonto cookies!``````KID-FRIENDLYCookie cutters aren’tjust for adults. Thanksto the blunt, roundededges around thetops of most cookiecutters, kids of allages can use themwithout the risk ofinjuring themselves,no matter how hardthey press. It’s a funway to get the littleones interestedin cooking!``````COOKIES, ETC.These cutters aren’tjust for cutting outcookies. You canuse them to makeperfectly rounddoughnuts, stampout fun patternson your piecrust(see page 98), andcut out fresh pastainto fun shapes forravioli and free-form lasagna. Youcan even makequirky pancakeshapes using cookiecutters: Place ametal cutter inthe pan and pouryour batter into it.Remove the cutteronce the pancakeis set.http://www.yummy.ph 96 December 2016WELL-ROUNDED ANDMULTIPURPOSEIf you’re keeping track ofkitchen space and don’twant to add to the clutter,pick a set of round cutters,which are a safe choicewith a multitude of uses.``````FLIP-SIDESome round cookiecutters (such as the onespictured) come withtwo usable sides—one«>ˆ˜]̅iœÌ…iÀyÕÌi`pdoubling their overallfunctionality without theneed for more cutters.``````METAL VS. PLASTICCookie cutters often comein two materials: plasticand metal. While metalcutters are much sharperand result in cleaner linesand cuts, plastic cuttersare lightweight and aresafer to use, especiallyif you’re cooking with kids.

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