Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1

Start a text editor of your choice.

■ Note All the PHP code was developed using Brackets, which is an open source text

editor. Visit for more information.

Database Connection

Both PHP scripts for data storage and interface need to connect to the database. As
shown in Figure  7-6 , create a new file called util-dbconn.php in the smartparking folder.
This file will be used by both scripts instead of repeating the code.

Figure 7-6. Common database connectivity file called util-dbconn.php

Open the file in a text editor and copy or type the code from Listing 7-2. As you
can see, there is not much code in this file. The four variables $servername , $username ,
$password , and $dbname contain the connection information. Create a new connection by
passing these four variables and storing the connection reference in the $mysqli variable.
The IF condition in the code simply checks for errors during the connection attempt
and prints them if there were any.

Listing 7-2. Common Database Connectivity Code util-dbconn.php

$servername = "SERVER_NAME" ;
$dbname = "DB_NAME" ;
$username = "DB_USERNAME" ;
$password = "DB_PASSWORD" ;

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