Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1


Figure 7-11. New project configuration

Select the location on your machine where you want to save the project and click
Cre a te. Xcode will create quite a few folders and files , as shown in Figure  7-12. The
following are the most important ones:

  • Smart Parking > Main.storyboard : This file provides a
    main entry point for your app and is used for designing the
    visual interface.

  • Smart Parking > ViewController.swift : This file contains all
    the Swift code for making your app dynamic and interactive.

  • Smart Parking > Assets.xcassets : This file contains all assets
    to be used by the app (images).

  • Smart Parking > Info.plist : This file contains important
    information about the runtime of the app.

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