Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1

Code (Arduino)

The final component of this project is the Arduino code for connecting to the Internet
using WiFi, reading data from the temperature sensor, and publishing it to a server.
Start your Arduino IDE and either type the code provided here or download it from
book’s site and open it. All the code goes into a single source file ( *.ino ), but in order to
make it easy to understand and reuse, it has been divided into five sections.

  • External libraries

  • Internet connectivity (WiFi)

  • Read sensor data

  • HTTP (publish)

  • Standard functions

External Libraries..................................................................................................

The first section of code, as provided in Listing 8-6 , includes all the external libraries
required to run the code. Since you are connecting to the Internet wirelessly, the main
dependency of code is on <WiFi.h>.

Listing 8-6. Code for Including External Dependencies

#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFi.h>

Internet Connectivity (Wireless)

The second section of the code defines variables, constants, and functions that are going
to be used for connecting to the Internet. Use the code from Listings 2-7 , 2-8 , and 2-9
(in Chapter 2 ) here.

Read Sensor Data

The third section of code, as provided in Listing 8-7 , defines the variables, constants, and
functions that are going to be used for reading sensor data.
The readSensorData() function reads data from Analog Pin A0 and the result is
between 0 and 1023. The greater the value returned, the higher the temperature. The
sensor value does not directly provide the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit, so a
formula, as highlighted in Listing 8-7 , is used to convert the sensor value into the required
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