Optimizing Optimization: The Next Generation of Optimization Applications and Theory (Quantitative Finance)

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Portfolio optimization with

“ Threshold Accepting ” :

a practical guide

Manfred Gilli and Enrico Schumann


Executive Summary

Recent years have seen a proliferation of new risk and performance measures in
investment management. These measures take into account stylized facts of finan-
cial time series like fat tails or asymmetric return distributions. In practice, these
measures are mostly used for ex post performance evaluation, only rarely for
explicit portfolio optimization. One reason is that, other than in the case of classical
mean – variance portfolio selection, the optimization under these new risk mea sures
is more difficult since the resulting problems are often not convex and can thus
not be solved with standard methods. We describe a simple but effective optimiza-
tion technique called “ Threshold Accepting (TA), ” which is versatile enough to be
applied to different objective functions and constraints, essentially without restric-
tions on their functional form. This technique is capable of optimizing portfolios
under various recently proposed performance or (downside) risk measures, like
value at risk, drawdown, Expected Shortfall, the Sortino ratio, or Omega, while
not requiring any parametric assumptions for the data, i.e., the technique works
directly on the empirical distribution function of portfolio returns. This chapter
gives an introduction to TA and details how to move from a general description of
the algorithm to a practical implementation for portfolio selection problems.

9.1 Introduction

The aim of portfolio selection is to determine combinations of assets like bonds
or stocks that are “ optimal ” with respect to performance scores based, for
instance, on capital gains, volatility, or drawdowns. For any decision rule, if
it is supposed to be practical, a compromise needs to be found between the
model’s financial aspects, and statistical and (particularly) computational con-
siderations. Thus, the question “ what do I want to optimize? ” has to be traded
off against “ what can I estimate? ” and “ what can I compute? ”
The workhorse model for portfolio selection is mean – variance optimiza-
tion ( Markowitz, 1952 ). To a considerable extent, this specification is owed to

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