
(coco) #1

72 | September 2018 YOU WILL NEED### EDIBLES: 1 x 15cm (6in) round cake 14cm(5.5in) high filled and covered withbuttercream 800g sugarpaste: white 250g modelling paste: white 3250g white chocolate modellingpaste (Squires Kitchen) 5g modelling paste: blue 2g modelling paste: turquoise 30g modelling paste: orange airbrush colour: electric blue (SquiresKitchen) 1g modelling paste: black wafer paper sheets: white modelling paste: pink food colour dust: nasturtium (SquiresKitchen) edible glue royal icingEQUIPMENT: pizza cutter Bellissimo smoothers rounded sugar shaper pencil piece of paper large polystyrene egg 7.6cm 3in cake frame 20cm (8in) round board craft knife gauge 22 white wire wire cutters palette knife cocktail stick airbrush 1 x pin double-sided tape 15mm pink stitch ribbon clear 30cm (12in) dowel x 2 rolling pin Trex Dresden tool``````1 Take the plastic cake board andinsert the longest dowel support in tothe hole, supporting it with one hand.Fix with the white bolt that screwstogether from beneath the board.Ensure the bolt is nice and tight so thatit holds its own weight securely.Insert the small plastic discs to coverthe holes.``````Celebrate the arrival of a new baby with this darlingstork cake, or make the design elements on their own- we can’t wait to make a tall tier with these wonderful wafer wings!STORK DELIVERYBABY CAKE2 Roll out some white sugarpaste.Paint the board with edible glue, lay thesugarpaste over the top of the doweland slide down to the board. Trim off theedge with a palette knife and smooththe surface with a flexi smoother.``````3 Roll out the rest of the whitesugarpaste and lay over the cake.Smooth the paste down the side ofthe cake with the palms of your hands.Use the pizza cutter to trim the excesspaste from the bottom of the cake.Smooth the sides, top and edges withthe flexi smoothers to get aperfect finish.``````Cake artist:Laura Dodimead``````5 Half fill the airbrush cup with theblue airbrush colour. With a glovedhand, hold the ripped paper againstthe surface of the cake. Hold theairbrush about 20cm away and slowlyspray the colour, aiming it towards theedge of the paper so the cake surfaceonly picks up a dusting of colours.``````6 Flip the paper over so the tear inthe paper now produces a new cloudoutline and spray lightly towardsthe paper and not on to the sugar.Continue to flip and change the paperrip around and move the paper downthe cake to make unevencloud shapes.``````7 When the airbrush colour is dry,gently lift up the cake from the baseand insert on to the cake frame.SETTING UP CAKE FRAME4 Take a piece of paper and tear allthe way across the top as well as atthe bottom so you are creating twoedges to work with.COVERING THE BOARDCOVERING THE CAKEAIRBRUSHING CLOUDS1 x three layer sponge cake filled andcrumb coated with buttercream.CAKES AT THE READYSET THE CAKE8 Use your gloved finger to makea small opening for the top of thesupport dowel to be seen. ➜p72-76_Laura Dodimead.indd 72 09/08/2018 18:06

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